Reflection knocks 8: Being happy on being here

Salam Februari:)

I guess I should write this down.
Today, out of my surprises (too), I actually feel happy doing what I'm doing.
On that chair, holding something, making up things.
I feel happy.

This is one kind of rareness in my life, you see.
At that moment, that simple few seconds moment, I talked to myself.
I smiled and I think I said alhamdulillah (kot) haha idk dalam hati kot
Well you don't really remember things that happened when you're in such moments, you see
You just feeeel it.


I pray that such feeling would drop by again next time.

p/s: And I think I also started to enjoy it too - you know, that thing that I used to hate hehe what a weird day today is

here haha<3>

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