An end.

What if you're hunted by your late night thoughts? And what if your next day is hunted by the same thoughts too? And what if the thoughts remain the same on the third day?


" Nak tanya boleh? Hmm munafiq tu apa? "


Orang di skrin satu jawab apa yang dia faham. Orang di skrin dua jawab apa yang dia faham.

Kita pun senyap.

Terus tukar topik.


" Hari tu kan, you yang post the video. About time. "

" Hmm. "

" So? Bila you nak mula wei ? "

" ... "


You fix one day, you'll fix your whole life.

So what if you destroyed your mind with negative thoughts for one day, would you be ruining your whole life with the same thoughts?


What happened?

She lost her emotions. She lost her enthusiasms (if there's any). She lost her focus. She lost herself.

And she keeps on thinking ...

Thinking of going home and change ...

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